
Choose dates

Select the number of guests and rooms

  • Adults

  • Elementary school students (upper grades)

  • Elementary school students (lower grades)

  • Infant (no bedding or meals required) Sharing bed

  • Number of room(s)

  • Specify the number of people in one room
  • [When reserving multiple rooms] After selecting the first room, you can add a second or subsequent room by selecting "Add another reservation" on the "Cart" page. [Capacity] Maximum 4 people * Elementary school students are included in the capacity. * There are rooms with different maximum occupancy. (Sea Japanese-style room/Maximum 2 people, Sea Connect/Maximum 6 people) [About children's accommodation] - Elementary school students (ages 6-12 and under) discounted rates apply - Infants (ages 0-5 and under) can share beds/up to 2 people * Please contact us in advance if you require meals or futons for your infant child.

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